Viking Pure Disinfectant added to EPA's "List N": EPA #87542-1.

Why Food Production Facilities Should Replace Common Cleaning Products with Non-Toxic, Non-Corrosive Alternatives

Food production facilities face unique challenges in maintaining a clean and safe environment. One of the most significant challenges is using cleaning products that contain toxic chemicals. These chemicals can pose a serious risk to employees and consumers, and facility managers should consider replacing these harmful cleaning products with toxic-free, non-corrosive alternatives. In this article,…

Food production facilities face unique challenges in maintaining a clean and safe environment. One of the most significant challenges is using cleaning products that contain toxic chemicals. These chemicals can pose a serious risk to employees and consumers, and facility managers should consider replacing these harmful cleaning products with toxic-free, non-corrosive alternatives.

In this article, Viking Pure’s President and Co-Founder Joshua Schwartz explains the health hazards with commonly used cleaning chemicals and issues with equipment damage and corrosion from chemicals, and introduces a safer, cost-effective and more sustainable solution for food production facilities.

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