As a society, we have been operating for far too long on the myth that toxic cleaning products are the only solution for killing viruses, bacteria, pathogens, and fungi. In fact, these chemicals can result in bacterial resistance and creation of superbugs, and worse, can cause respiratory issues, cancer, and a host of health problems for staff, faculty, and students.

In this white paper for education facility managers and school Environmental Health & Safety directors, we will offer an analysis that covers the following:

  • Common cleaning chemicals contain toxic ingredients that cause health risks for school staff, faculty and students
  • Traditional cleaning products can cause bacterial resistance leading to superbugs—the next major public health threat
  • Traditional cleaning practices are not sustainable
  • How to clean and disinfect schools effectively and sustainably
  • Electrolyzed water technology can produce non-toxic, powerful cleaning and disinfecting solutions that are safe and eco-friendly

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