For many people, the COVID-19 pandemic radically shifted the way they interact with the surfaces and environments around them — and the priority they place on cleanliness.

While clean environments have always been important, now it feels both important and incredibly urgent.

In response to these marketplace shifts, the cleaning industry is reinventing itself. For us at Viking Pure, this provides us with a unique time to offer value to the world in a way that is deeply necessary as well as deeply meaningful. We’ve already talked about how the safety of our all-natural products (both for workers and for their environments) differentiates them in the industry (link to Previous Post), but our products also offer a unique value because they’re actually stronger and more effective than any traditional, toxic, chemical-based cleaning agents.

It may seem counterintuitive that an all-natural, electrolyzed water solution could be more effective against the spread of infectious diseases than the harshest chemical treatments, but the data backs us up. Here’s how it works: chemical disinfectants typically confront pathogens by attempting to permeate the lining and enter the nucleus of the cell. If the disinfectant is too weak or depleted by the time it permeates and cannot kill the cell, as is often the case, then that pathogen becomes resistant to said disinfectant. Viking Pure Solutions affect pathogens almost immediately on contact. As soon as the solution encounters the pathogen, the cell protein disintegrates and dies. Under this type of assault, pathogens are simply unable to mutate into stronger form.

Not only is our solution more effective, but also our application system for disseminating the solution removes liability of human error and works preventatively against the spread of diseases. That is because Viking Pure’s systems include an electrostatic sprayer to apply the e-water to any space vigorously and thoroughly. The electrostatic sprayer works by sending a positive electric charge through the e-water, causing it to be attracted to negatively charged surfaces like two poles of a magnet. This technology means that surfaces that may have been missed by grueling manual cleaning or those that may not be in plain sight are misted by the e-water automatically. The spraying process ensures that potentially contaminated areas are clean and disinfected, and all pathogens destroyed. The step is invaluable in preventing the spread of illness and disease.

Ultimately, for us, that’s the whole point. For you or your company, the end goal may be different. But the point is, the purpose of differentiating yourself in the marketplace isn’t simply about having a better, more effective product (although that’s important too). Ultimately, it isn’t even about selling your product. It’s about the way you get to impact the world with the value you bring to the table.

It’s a privilege. It’s a responsibility. We are grateful for the role we get to play in bringing about a better, cleaner future.